Thursday, July 15, 2010

just testing cyberspace - A 'wiki'

Testing cyberspace - putting myself 'out there', nothing like that insecure moment when you feel transparent and noticably ignorant of 'obvious' steps to take. My first attempt at a wiki is still in limbo land - just trying to get the practical process of setting the page up.
My wiki address is
My immigration from pulp to PC is in proccess .

Not too long after that, I encounted some immigration problems ...
Then I found a few interestiing facts:
Using a wiki, like many other new products or processes needs the same amount of memory (human) to be able to successfully use the format. As this has been the easiest process to set up and use, so far - I am amazed at my own need for steps, gugidelines and formats to follow - in plain english, not information that means 'goobely goop' to me. Aside from the wiki set up, inserting a video was another story altogether - Note to self:
Must learn 'Goobly Goop' in order to complete course work

Wiki websites offer a collaborative method of collecting and analysing information that signifies the main difference between a website, blog or other digital tool. Educators like myself who are struggling with the digital ascent (Prensky) needed to comprehend the digital paradigm of learning, might be apprehensive when considering using a wiki. The expectations of using a digital tool that can be accessed by all students would sound at first,like a chaotic event.
The use of Wiki’s in a classroom context engages students in a diverse way of thinking, learning and knowing that is of a different nature to that of traditional forms of learning. Collaborative group communication is now embedded into the government curriculum frameworks as fundamental in acquiring lifelong learning skills through higher order thinking tasks and individual learning is not as prominent in many teaching frameworks( Ruth and Houghton,(2009).
A new mindset is being established through educational discourses which agree that “wiki based learning involves community ideals and challenging modes of interaction for both learners and instructors.” (Ruth and Houghton,2009)
This tool can be utilised in the classroom, as well as in business and connecting to the world with well researched and reliable sources of information.,

As a pre sevice teacher, my acknowledgement of many technologies such as wiki's can have powerful and knowledge expanding possibilities which I am impatient to discover. Many websites ahve many ideas to exlore. Here is one I found to help with the topic and uses of wiki's 50 ways to make a wiki

Australian National Curriculum (ACARA) (2010). National Curriculum Draft. [Electronic resource]. Retrieved May 2010. From http://

Prensky, M (2001). Digital natives vs. digital immigrants. Viewed on 27/08/2010 from:,%20Digital%20Immigrants%20-%20Part1.pdf
To go back to my synopsis


  1. Well Rachel, like you i watched the YouTube-'in plain English' a couple of times and the concept of the tool(Wiki)is a great idea. I can see the practical side of it's use for many collaborative tasks for students. Again, knowing how to use the tool(as a teacher) with relative proficiency in the classroom is most desirable. With practice I'm sure we will manage.

  2. Rachel and Michael,
    I agree with the both of you. I believe that Wikis provide endless possibilities for application in the classroom. I really think that Learning Managers could possibly create units of work for students to complete at their own pace through the use of a Wiki. There could then be an assessment piece that follows and also, the learners would have access to the Wiki from home, so they can take control of their own learning.
    Just a thought

  3. Amy, I concur with your shared view on the amount of collaborative learning that a wiki can provide in the classroom. The learning video is presented in such a way that students will relate to the easy application and the process of working with other students ideas in one place. When students are using technology, from my observations have been motivated by being able to use thier computer skills, and experiment with presenting their ideas.
