Monday, August 23, 2010

A photo story3 presentation

Using Photo story 3 to engage students by using images, sound and text is one of the most simple, rewarding and positive learning experiences I've had so far on my E-learning journey. Last year in my prac school I had the fortunate experience of receiving a tutorial of this program in less than half an hour! Students in the middle years (3,4 & 5) were also learning this presentation process to display their understandings in an ICT format. This engaged the students by using the combination of digital elements together to produce original ideas in a real world setting. This story was created for an assignment in another subject which in turn helped me find the relatedness of the content "Authentic assessment" in an ICT paradigm. As I continue to navigate through E-learning, connections from skills to content are reinforced, furthering and inspiring my quest for related knowledge and skills. Learning of ICT's is implicitly linked to lifelong learning as my self directed learning becomes easier and more conceivable to achieve by practice and conscious application. Photo story is very simply scaffolded and would be an excellent tool for students to learn to use and present their work in. Previous understandings of basic computer skills and terminology would obviously be required to scaffold learning to be taught and utilised succinctly to embedd the learnt knowledge and understanding.


  1. Love that photostory, (photostory is similar to Animoto Slideshow). You would also be interested in the idea of different learning styles and ICT'S, which may be why photostory appeals to you, of course a bit of practice and real life application also helps!
    This site is excellent for showing how to link Technological tools to different learning styles, even kinisthetic:
    Some advise for kinesthetic learners include:
    * Keyboarding, mouse, joystick, and other devices for movement
    * Scientific probes and microscopes
    * Video production - skits, dances, sports, role playing, demonstrations
    * Animation - Macromedia Flash
    * Claymation - sequence of movement
    * Handheld Palms and Alphasmart - you can carry them everywhere
    * Virtual Field Trip - using and creating
    * Lego Logo and Robotics - other construction kit projects
    * Digital still and video cameras - skits, plays, role playing, demonstrations
    * Virtual worlds

  2. Hi Sadi, yes, movie maker is a good choice for simple yet extremely effective presentation of information. Students in year 3 and 4 at my prac school have the skills necessary to complete a movie maker presentation. The scaffolding of student’s skills while implementing the process makes motivation implicit. Original ideas can be presented and higher order thinking skills fostered using ICT's in this way. I still have to look at Animoto again to compare the two for their usefulness in the classroom. As E- Learning unfolds, Vygotsky social constructivist theory fits well with this digital method of learning and also connects with Kearsley and Shneiderman’s engagement theory.
